solved. Question
Answered step-by-step
Asked by marieareanna
In the case of a suspected poisoning, a 45-year-old male is brought to the emergency room (ER) unconscious but alive. His wife states that he has been a heavy drinker for the past 20 years and he had no alcohol in the house and no money to spend so he went to the garage and drank “whatever he could get his hands on.”
a) How can you tell whether he drank antifreeze (which contains the alcohol, ethylene glycol)?
b) How can you tell whether he drank methanol (wood alcohol)?
c) How can you tell whether he drank isopropyl alcohol?
For each of the three chemicals, please name one test that can be ordered by the attending physician who is assessing this patient in the ER? Also, explain the mechanism of action of each test. That is, what chemical is reacting with the specific alcohol present in a, b or c.
So you are going to provide a total of 3 tests when answering #2 and explain the mechanism of each one.
BIO 320