21)Which of the following is NOT true about converting infix expressions to postfix expressions? a)the operands always stay in the same order with respect to one another b)the operators always stay in the same order with respect to one another c)an operator will move only “to the right” with respect to the operands d)all parentheses are removed 22)Which of the following is the postfix form of the infix expression: (a + b) * c / d a)a b + c * d / b)a b * c / d + c)a + b * c / d d)a b + c d * / 23)What is the value of the following postfix expression: 5 2 – 8 4 + *? a)-9 b)28 c)35 d)36 24)In a graph that represents the flight map for the HPAir problem, if a flight exists from city C1 to city C2, then C2 is said to be ______ C1. a)adjacent to b)similar to c)related to d)bordering 25)In a graph that represents the flight map for the HPAir problem, if a flight exists from city C1 to city C2, then the path from C1 to C2 is called a _______. a)relation b)neighborhood c)directed path d)connecting path 26)______ are considered when choosing the next city to visit in a stack-based nonrecursive solution to the HPAir problem. a)All cities b)All unvisited cities adjacent to the destination city c)All cities adjacent to the city on the top of the stack d)All unvisited cities adjacent to the city on the top of the stack 27)An algorithm that uses a stack to implement a nonrecursive solution to the HPAir problem reaches the conclusion that there is no path from an origin city to a destination city only after ______. a)the algorithm has backtracked to the origin b)the algorithm has backtracked to the origin and there remain no unvisited cities to fly to from the origin c)the algorithm has reached a city and there remain no unvisited cities to fly to from that city d)the algorithm has reached the destination and there remain no unvisited cities to fly to from the destination 28)Which of the following methods is NOT called by the nonrecursive stack version of the isPath method? a)insertAdjacent b)unvisitAll c)markVisited d)getNextCity 29)Typically, ______ are used by a compiler to implement recursive methods. a)linked-lists b)arrays c)stacks d)queues 30)When a recursive call to a method occurs, the compiler’s implementation must remember all of the following information EXCEPT ______. a)values of parameters b)values of local variables c)values of global variables d)a reference to the point from which the recursive call was made


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