31) A sociologist coming from this theoretical tradition would be most interested in studying the cultural significance of the universal regulation of sexuality through the incest taboo. a. functionalism b. conflict theory c. symbolic interactionism d. socialist-feminism 32) ____________ are common features that all known societies are believed to share. a. Cultural traits b. Universal characteristics c. Cultural universals d. Universal cultural features 33) According to ___________, those who hold power define and perpetuate a culture’s value system. a. conflict theorists b. functionalists c. symbolic interactionists d. post-modernists 34) A sociologist from this tradition is most likely to assert the following: “Social policy advocating the assimilation of a unique minority group is an abuse of power and a demonstration of the dominant culture’s attempt to absorb a less powerful one.” a. functionalist b. conflict theorist c. symbolic interactionist d. symbolic functionalist 35) The process by which environmental pressures are addressed through changes in practices, traditions, and behaviours as a way of maintaining stability and equilibrium is known as cultural a. transformation. b. insularity. c. adaptation. d. innovation. 36) Symbolic interactionsists would argue that culture a. is actively created through ongoing interactions between people. b. is the result of those in power defining a society’s system of beliefs. c. is functional for society. d. is something that is objectively observable. 37) Kanye is conducting a study considering the ways in which the category of “minority status” gets constituted through negotiated social interaction. He is most likely to be influenced by this sociological theorist: a. Marx b. Smith c. Blumer d. Parsons 38) The purpose of the residential school system was? a. To provide aboriginals with a proper education. b. To assimilate aboriginal into the dominant society c. To preserve aboriginal culture in a school system. primarily. d. To ensure all children got a proper education. 39) Which of the following statements about the nature of culture is true? a. While initially cultures might seem quite different, most cultures are actually quite similar underneath. b. Some cultures can be judged as superior to other cultures. c. People are born with an innate understanding of their native culture. d. Culture develops as people interact and share experiences and meaning with one another. 40) Sociologists suggest that culture has five defining features. Which of these features best exemplifies the fact that many cultures use storytelling to pass on the lessons and experiences of their ancestors? a. Culture is a human experience. b. Culture is a shared experience. c. Culture is transmitted. d. Culture is cumulative.


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