Section 4Â Â Strategic Implications of Learning Curves 1) A firm that successfully pursues a steeper-than-industry-average learning curve and manages costs down may still fail if, by underestimating a strong competitor, it fails to gain the added volume necessary for the learning curve to exist. 2) On an ordinary graph, unit times for a learning curve decrease at a decreasing rate, but on a log-log graph, the learning “curve” appears as a straight line. 3) Which one of the following courses of actions would NOT be taken by a firm wanting to pursue a learning curve steeper than the industry average? A) following an aggressive pricing policy B) focusing on continuing cost reduction C) keeping capacity equal to demand to control costs D) focusing on productivity improvement E) building on shared experience 4) Companies pursuing a learning curve strategy MUST increase which of the following? A) employee training B) costs C) quality D) volume E) all of the above 5) Which of the following is representative of a firm pursuing a learning-curve strategy? A) aggressive pricing policy B) focus on productivity improvement C) building on shared experience D) keeping capacity growing ahead of demand E) all of the above 6) When learning curves are plotted on ________ scales, the “curves” become straight lines. Section 5Â Â Limitations of Learning Curves 1) Reevaluation of learning curves is inappropriate. 2) Which of the following is FALSE regarding learning curves? A) Learning curves differ from company to company. B) The same learning curves are used for indirect labor as are used for direct labor. C) Changes in personnel can change the learning curve. D) The learning curve may spike for a short time even if it is going to drop in the long run. E) All of the above are false. 3) Which of the following is a limitation of the use of learning curves? A) Change in personnel, design, or procedure leave the learning curve unchanged. B) Learning curves are applicable to services as well as to manufacturing. C) The culture of the workplace may alter the learning curve. D) Direct labor and indirect labor follow the same learning curves. E) Applications of learning curves are of tactical, not strategic, importance. 4) Which of the following is NOT a limitation of the use of learning curves? A) Any change in personnel, design, or procedure can alter the learning curve. B) Time measurements on early units completed must be accurate. C) The culture of the workplace may alter the learning curve. D) Direct labor and indirect labor may not follow the same learning curves. E) All of these are limitations of learning curves. 5) What cautions are in order when using learning curves? 6) What can cause a learning curve to vary from a smooth downward slope?


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