11) Cancerous cells are more easily killed by radiation than normal cells. 12) Choose the INCORRECT statement. A) Radioactivity is the emission of ionizing radiation. B) An alpha particle is the nucleus of a helium-4 atom. C) A beta particle is a neutron. D) A positron is like a beta particle but with a positive charge. E) Gamma rays are emitted from a nucleus in an excited state. 13) Radioactive decay is: A) temperature independent B) a second-order process C) a zero-order process D) a process with a large activation energy 14) The most massive particle is: A) alpha B) beta C) gamma D) positron E) neutron 15) Identify a reaction that follows a different decay process than the rest. A) → B) → C) → D) → E) → 16) The most highly charged particle is: A) alpha B) beta C) gamma D) positron E) neutron 17) When a nuclide undergoes positron emission, the change in the number of protons, neutrons, and mass number is, respectively, A) -1, +1, no change B) +1, -1, no change C) -1, +1, -1 D) +1, +1, -1 18) Which of the following statements concerning alpha decay is INCORRECT? A) It involves nuclides with atomic number larger than 83 and mass number larger than 200. B) It has great penetrating power, but little ionizing power. C) It often leaves the nucleus in an excited state. D) The atomic number decreases by two. E) The alpha particle is made up of two protons and two neutrons. 19) Which of the following is FALSE? A) A β- particle is essentially an e- originating from the nucleus. B) A β- decay results in a decrease in atomic number. C) A β- decay is accompanied by the emission of a neutrino. D) A β+ decay converts a proton to a neutron in the nucleus of an atom. E) An e- capture converts a proton to a neutron in the nucleus of an atom. 20) Which of the following are true for alpha particles? I) α particles are equivalent to 2+ 2. II) α decay decreases the atomic number by four. III) α particles are deflected more strongly than e- by magnetic fields, but in the opposite direction. IV) α particles are easily stopped as they strike matter. A) I and II B) I, II, III C) I and III D) I and IV E) I, II, III, and IV


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