1) Power is defined as a. the capacity to persuade others. b. dependency upon others. c. the right to make rules. d. being rewarded by others. e. independence. 2) Dianne is very good at influencing the behaviour of others so that they act in accordance with her wishes. Therefore, Dianne has a. power. b. influence. c. expertise. d. empowerment. e. charisma. 3) The most important aspect of power is that it a. is needed to get things done in an organization. b. is a function of dependency. c. tends to corrupt people. d. is counterproductive. e. is the major focus of leadership. 4) Zhubin is a manager at EXX Co. He believes that part of his job is to make things happen quickly. Consequently, he uses ________ power where he makes things difficult for his employees, who in turn want to avoid confrontations and heated exchanges with him. a. coercive b. legitimate c. referent d. political e. harassment 5) Ted is very good about being friendly at all times with his employees, and he always makes a point of praising them when they do good work. What type of power is Ted using? a. legitimate b. information c. legitimate d. reward e. expert 6) The most effective power bases for improving commitment are a. referent and coercive. b. legitimate and expert. c. coercive and legitimate. d. expert and referent. e. reward and expert. 7) Chanel used ________ power in its television commercials starring Brad Pitt, which urged viewers to buy Chanel No 5 perfume so that they could “attract someone like Brad.” a. expert b. referent c. information d. legitimate e. reward 8) The power base of an office bully is a. coercive. b. dependent. c. positional. d. legitimate. e. referent. 9) Carrie is one of the most important people in the office because she is the person to turn to when people have problems with their computers. Carrie has ________ power. a. positional. b. legitimate. c. expert. d. referent. e. dependent. 10) The statement “That director can make things very difficult for those people she does not like, so you might want to avoid getting her angry,” describes someone with what type of power? a. referent b. reinforcement c. legitimate d. coercive e. dependent 1


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