11) Which of the following is NOT a common sign of neglect in children? A) Malnutrition B) Too few toys C) Severe diaper rash D) Dirty, torn, and weather-inappropriate clothing 12) You have arrived on the scene of a sexual assault. The victim is a 21-year-old female. She is at home and very distraught. She tells you that she does not feel she is hurt and that she wants to take a shower before being examined because she “feels dirty.” What is the appropriate reaction? A) Tell the patient sternly to go nowhere and wait for the police. B) Advise the patient to save the clothes she was wearing in a plastic bag and to clean up. C) Tell the patient that she will lose all chance of convicting her attacker if she does something silly like that. D) Advise the patient that it is imperative that she have a certified technician, such as a SANE nurse, examine her and that bathing can remove or destroy evidence. 13) What is the most common living situation of an abused elder? A) They live with their children. B) They live in a nursing facility. C) They live alone. D) They are homeless. 14) You arrive on scene where you have been asked to check on the welfare of a patient. A neighbor meets you and states that she called because the elderly woman who lives in the home has not been seen outside in a while, and the neighbor is concerned. She says a relative looks after the woman but that she is unsure when the relative was last there. You gain access to the residence and find a conscious but emaciated 76-year-old woman. There is no food in the house, and the woman has been unable to reach the bathroom for days. She says her granddaughter looks after her and is a “good girl” but she cannot remember when the granddaughter was last at the home. What general conclusions could be made in this situation? A) The woman has developed an acute medical problem recently and an aggressive assessment is needed. B) Check the woman thoroughly. If you find no acute medical problems, ask the neighbor to call the granddaughter and stay with the elderly woman until her caretaker has gone to the store and come by to clean up. C) The woman has Alzheimer’s and probably just can’t remember to eat. Call the caretaker and have her come over. D) This could be a case of elder abuse. Although you notice no outward signs of violence, the mere act of the caretaker neglecting this woman’s needs is abuse. You should transport the woman and notify the proper authorities. 15) Which of the following is TRUE ofabuse reporting? A) You only have a responsibility to report child abuse cases. B) All 50 states require that health care workers report suspected cases of abuse. C)  When talking with the patient, use closed-ended questions. D) The only agency that suspected abuse can be reported to is the police. 16) What is areason abused partners do not seek assistance? A) They lack the knowledge and financial means to seek assistance. B) They have tried and no one would help. C) They were abused as children and think it is part of life. D) They really don’t mind the situations they are in. 17) You have responded to a residence for an injured child. The mother presents you with a two-year-old boy who is crying loudly. She says he fell off the family playground equipment and won’t stop crying. You ask the boy what happened, and he points to the jungle-gym outside and cries more. You notice some seven- to ten-day-old bruises on his shins, but no other signs of injury. What impression could you form using your knowledge of child abuse? A) The child indicates the same story as the mother, and children of that age tend to injure themselves playing.             B) Continual crying is a sign of abuse, and so are the old bruises. C) The child was obviously unsupervised and is probably abused. D) There are some warning signs, and the police should be involved. 18) Which of the following common conditions may be mistaken for child abuse? A) Diaper rash B) Rug burns C) Mosquito bites D) Chicken pox 19) The designer date rape drug that can cause psychological symptoms weeks after use is: A) MDMA (Ecstasy). B) rohypnol. C) GHB. D) ketamine. 20) What characteristics of date rape drugs make them attractive to assailants? A) They are not illegal and therefore assailants can’t be charged with giving them to someone. B) They are cheap and make the victim want to have physical contact more. C) They facilitate the assault by making the victim unresponsive and have amnesia. D) They are undetectable with a drug screen.