48) According to the Ontario Student Drug Use Survey, what are the three most commonly used substances, in order, by youth in grades 7 through 12? a. (1) alcohol; (2) cannabis; (3) tobacco b. (1) alcohol; (2) cannabis; (3) ecstacy c. (1) cannabis; (2) alcohol; (3) tobacco d. (1) alcohol; (2) cannabis; (3) hallucinogens e. (1) tobacco; (2) alcohol; (3) opioid pain relievers 49) Which of the following statements about youth smoking is true? a. youth are less likely to smoke if they live in households where smoking is prohibited, even if their parents are smokers b. youth are less likely to smoke if they live in households where smoking is prohibited, but only if their parents are non-smokers c. only 20% of retailers comply with legislation that prohibits the sale of tobacco products to youth d. more boys than girls are smokers e. youth whose parents smoke are less likely to smoke themselves, because they see the effects of smoking on their parents’ lives 50) What proportion of university students has used marijuana within the past month? a. 80 – 87% b. 0 – 2% c. 17 – 26 % d. 32 – 40 % e. 51 % 51) What factors influence youth drug use? a. prevalence of crime in the community b. degree of parent-child emotional attachment c. reading skills d. degree of personal competence e. a variety of factors influence youth drug use, including all of the factors listed above 52) What patterns occurred with university binge drinking, beginning in the 1990s? a. proportion of binge drinkers increased b. proportion of abstainers decreased c. proportion of “frequent†binge drinkers decreased d. binge drinking increasingly moved off campus e. alcohol use became less polarized (i.e. there were fewer binge drinkers and fewer abstainers) 53) Which of the following statements about university binge drinking is true? a. binge drinking rarely stops following university graduation b. binge drinking is associated with alcoholism in later life c. “dry†campuses are the most effective means of controlling binge drinking d. experts suggest that the same efforts used to control problem drinking in society at large should be used to control binge drinking among university students e. binge drinking is a product of the university environment combined with a particular developmental stage in life 54) During which era was adolescence described as characterized by sturm und drang? a. Ancient Greece b. turn of the 20th century c. 1950s d. 1970s e. 1990s 55) Disputing the notion of the generation gap, Berger claimed that teenage interests are: a. set in motion by adults. b. also present in the adult world. c. set in motion by adults, and also present in the adult world. d. a temporary aspect of the developmental task of achieving an independent identity. e. characteristic of the sturm und drang of adolescence. 56) Jake is a 17-year-old boy having an argument with his mother. Based on research on parent-teen conflict, what are Jake and his mother the least likely to be arguing about? a. keeping his room clean b. developing better table manners c. his hair colour/style d. whether or not to pursue postsecondary education after graduating e. picking on his younger sister 57) Which of the following statements about research on adolescence is true? a. the lives of adults and adolescents are more similar than they are different, and the “generation gap†will likely decrease in the future b. adolescents today spend more time in the company of adults than adolescents of the 1960s did, so the “generation gap†will likely decrease in the future c. adolescents spend too much time in the company of adults, which creates premature entry into “adulthood†d. the growing amount of time adolescents and adults spend apart creates a foundation for a growth in the “generation gap†in the future e. the “generation gap†was at its peak in the 1930s 58) Which of the following would be an example that represents the social perception that all youth are troubling? a. The existence of high school b. The age of majority legislation c. Rock concerns aimed at youth culture d. Restrictions on the number of students in a store at one time e. Both B and D 59) Why is popularity so important to teenagers? a. It is part of our social nature b. It isn’t as important as society thinks c. Parents socially constructed the desire to make friends d. Because they are conformists until they rebel in the 20’s e. In order to manage identity 60) Relative to American research, Canadian research on youth and gangs has a. Increased significantly b. Remained equal to the American research c. Remained consistent, with much less research d. Decreased in popularity in the past 5 years e. Increased moderately with more focus on big cities 61) Which of the following social deviance theories did Grekul and LeBoucanse-Benson not incorporate into their research on Aboriginal gangs in Canada? a. Social Bonds theory b. Conflict Theory c. Labelling Theories d. Interactionist theories e. Feminist theories 62) A youth living in the area of Jane and Finch in Toronto, an area known as having a high crime rate and high population turnover, is more likely to join a gang because of which factor? a. Family indicators b. Personal Indicators c. Community Indicators d. School Indicators