11) A partial displacement of a bone end from its position in the joint is called a: A) Sprain B) Dislocation C) Subluxation D) Contracture 12) A fracture in which significant energy exchange shatters or splinters bone, creating many fragments, is called a(n) ________ fracture. A) Impacted B) Comminuted C) Oblique D) Spiral 13) Your patient is a seven-year-old male with a fracture of the proximal tibia. Which of the following is the most likely and serious complication of this injury? A) Juvenile onset arthritis B) Formation of a bone callus C) Disruption of the epiphyseal plate D) Fat embolism 14) Which of the following best describes the function of cancellous bone? A) It produces erythrocytes. B) It acts as a growth plate in long bones. C) Its dense, compact structure is well adapted to weight bearing. D) It contains yellow bone marrow. 15) A dislocated knee is most likely to damage which of the following vascular structures? A) Femoral vein B) Popliteal artery C) Femoral artery D) Great saphenous vein 16) Which of the following types of fractures occurs in pediatric age groups but not in adults? A) Oblique B) Transverse C) Greenstick D) Impacted 17) Your patient is a 50-year-old motorcyclist who received a lateral impact from an automobile as he went through an intersection. He has a deformity of the right midthigh and an open right tibia/fibula fracture. He also has a fracture of his left forearm and some abrasions. He was wearing a helmet and suffered no loss of consciousness. He currently has a strong radial pulse of 100, his skin is warm and moist, and he has adequate respirations at 20 per minute. Assuming no significant findings during a rapid trauma exam and intact distal neurovascular status, which of the following is the best way to manage this patient’s lower-extremity trauma? A) Use anatomical splinting provided by placing the patient on a long backboard. B) Secure padded long board splints laterally and medially. C) Apply PASG. D) Apply a traction splint. 18) Not considering other injuries, which of the following musculoskeletal findings warrants immediate transport of your patient? A) Unstable pelvis B) Clavicle fracture C) Posterior shoulder dislocation D) Open fracture of the tibia and fibula 19) Your patient is an 80-year-old female who fractured a vertebra while coughing. This type of fracture is best described as a(n) ________ fracture. A) Pathological B) Greenstick C) Epiphyseal D) Comminuted 20) When assessing a long-bone injury, you should assume you are dealing with a joint injury when the site of injury is within ________ inch(es) of the joint. A) 3 B) 2 C) 1 D) 6


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