11.The ________ is combined with 144 additional clinical items to form the Clinical                           Analysis Questionnaire. a)Edwards Personal Preference Schedule b)Personality Research Form c)California Personality Inventory d)Sixteen Personality Factor Questionnaire 12.The factor structure of the Sixteen Personality Factor Questionnaire indicates that a)there are 16 unrelated personality factors measured b)there are 16 theoretical personality factors measured that are interrelated c)there are 5 “global factors” of personality measured d)both b and c 13.The _________ represents a novel attempt to reduce the effects of social desirability in personality assessment. a)California Personality Inventory b)Edwards Personal Preference Schedule c)Sixteen Personality Factors Test d)Personality Research Form 14.Measurement of dimensions of a personality which are non-threatening to the client is the strength of the a)California Personality Inventory b)Sixteen Personality Factors Test c)Edwards Personal Preference Schedule d)Personality Research Form 15.Tests which are especially sensitive to detect unconscious or covert personality              characteristics are a)projective tests b)subjective tests c)objective tests d)empirically derived tests 16.Scoring of the Rorschach requires classification of the responses given into three              categories: a)location, context, and content b)determinants, depth, and content c)content, locale, and depth d)location, determinants, and content 17.Psychometrically, the Rorschach is a)inadequate b)average c)above average d)excellent 18.The _________ has proven to be psychometrically superior to other projective tests and has been shown to be a rather sensitive measure of emotional maladjustment among college students and adults. a)Rorschach b)Rotter Incomplete Sentences Blank c)Thematic Apperception Test d)Draw-a-Person Test 19.Examination of eyes, hair and fingers are important in interpretation of the a)Draw-a-Person Test b)Thematic Apperception Test c)Rorschach Ink Blots d)Person Profile Test 20.In interpreting an objective personality test, _________ need(s) to be taken into consideration. a)the average score of all scales b)the degree of scatter c)the shape of the profile d)all of the above