1) Which one of the following materials has the maximum, sustainable, slope angle, as determined by the angle of repose? A) dry silt B) moist, sandy soil with a clay-rich matrix C) dry sand D) moist, clay-rich shale layers 2) ________ denotes the exposed, crescent-shaped rupture surface at the head of a slump. A) Scoop B) Sole C) Toe D) Scarp 3) Consider a weathered rock or soil particle lying on a slope. How will the gravitational force pulling the particle downward along the land surface vary with the inclination of the slope? A) It will increase as the slope angle is lessened. B) It will decrease as the slope angle is lessened. C) It is not affected by the slope angle. D) It will possibly increase or decrease as slope angle is lessened, depending upon other factors. 4) How do the strength and cohesion of clay-rich regolith or soil change with the addition of water? A) Water does not affect the cohesion but lowers the strength. B) Water reduces the strength of clays but raises the cohesion of the soil. C) Water increases the strength and cohesion. D) Water lowers the strength and cohesion. 5) ________ involves movement on a zone of compressed air. A) A slump B) A mudflow C) A rock avalanche D) Soil creep 6) Of the following, which one would most likely be triggered by an earthquake? A) solifluction B) soil creep C) slump D) rock avalanche 7) Which one of the following operates primarily in areas of permafrost? A) rock avalanche B) solifluction C) soil creep D) mudflow 8) Consider a steep highway cut made by removing slightly weathered to fresh, fractured, granite bedrock. Which of the following situations is most stable against rockslides? A) one set of widely spaced, sub-horizontal fractures B) two sets of fractures, one inclined toward the road cut and the other away C) two sets of fractures, one widely spaced and sub-horizontal, the other inclined away from the highway cut D) one set of widely spaced fractures inclined towards the road cut 9) Which of the following was a major factor leading to the Gros Ventre, Wyoming, slide? A) Erosion by the river had undercut the slope-forming shale and exposed the underlying sandstone. B) Soils and shallow bedrock were very wet and locally saturated. C) A strong earthquake caused the unstable rock layers to move. D) Dry weather caused the clay-rich strata to compact, allowing the overlying sandstone to slide into the valley. 10) What caused the mudflows (1985) on the Nevado del Ruiz volcano? A) Hot ash fell onto snow near the summit. B) A crater lake was broken during an eruption. C) Warm weather caused rapid melting of snow and ice near the summit. D) all of the above 1