Multiple Choice 1.Civil rights reforms enacted by the Truman administration included a.passage of the Voting Rights Act. b.a constitutional amendment to ensure citizenship. c.desegregation of all public facilities. d.desegregation of the armed forces. 2.The Employment Act of 1946 did NOT a.guarantee full employment for all American workers. b.establish a council of economic advisers to assist the president. c.attempt to ward off a possible economic crisis. define postwar economic growth. 3.In the first few years after the war a.there were no labor strikes in America. employment improved. c.more women entered the workforce. d.a brief depression occurred. 4.The creation of the Council of Economic Advisors a.increased the role of the federal government in the nation’s economy. b.occurred during the first Eisenhower administration. c.took place during a time of economic prosperity. d.was achieved by an executive order of the president. 5.The Taft-Hartley Act a.represented the most progressive labor reforms since the Wilson administration. b.was an attempt by big business to reverse gains made by organized labor. the immigration of Asians and eastern Europeans. d.was successful because it was supported by John L. Lewis. 6.The Taft-Hartley Act a.did not become law. b.was signed by President Truman. c.was vetoed by President Truman. d.was opposed by most Republican members of Congress. 7.The GI Bill was geared at helping veterans in the areas of: a.medical care and cash bonuses. b.mental health and self-esteem. c.welfare payments and job counseling. d.housing and education. 8.One immediate problem in the first few years after the war was a.a housing shortage. b.the national feeling that not much was gained by victory in the war. c.large-scale unemployment. d.a marked decrease in the standard of living for the middle class. 9.The FHA a.financed nearly 40 percent of all home mortgage debt between 1946–1950. b.required labor leaders to take oaths saying they were not Communists. c.began a trend that resulted in rampant inflation during the early 1950s. d.supported the third-party candidacy of Henry Wallace in 1948. 10.Levittown represented a change toward increase in Americans who owned small farms. b.affordable homes in American suburbs. c.a belief in labor-management equity. d.the development of suburbs tied to ethnic identity. Â