31) ________ are those with which a person is born. a. Ascribed attributes b. Achieved attributes c. Statuses d. Learned behaviours e. Symbols 32) _____________________ are acquired through personal effort or chance over the course of one’s life and include such things as level of education, income, place of residence, and profession. a. Instrumental Marxisms b. Marxian insights c. Proletariat status d. Ascribed status e. Achieved characteristics 33) Central to the perspective of radical criminology is the notion of ________. a. Terrorism b. state organized crime c. Consensus d. social class e. Pluralism 34) According to Karl Marx, the ________, since they possess neither capital nor means of production, must earn their living by continuously selling their labour. a. Proletariat b. middle class c. Bourgeoisie d. social class e. upper class 35) Which of the following is NOT a strategy proposed by radical-critical criminologists to bring about a justice system closer to the radical ideal? a. Increasing equality in criminal justice system employment b. Programs designed to reduce prison overcrowding c. Promotion of mandatory sentencing d. Prosecution of corporate crime e. Equal justice in the bail system 36) Harold Pepinsky is a contemporary criminologist who advocates ________________________. a. radical criminology b. Marxist criminology c. feminist criminology d. critical criminology e. peacemaking criminology 37) ________ criminology insists upon a pragmatic assessment of crime and associated problems. a. Peacemaking b. Feminist c. Left-Realist d. Critical e. Radical 38) According to ________, gender is not a natural fact but a complex social, historical, and cultural product; it is related to, not simply derived from, biological sex differences and differing reproductive capacities. a. Kathleen Daly and Meda Chesney-Lind b. Rita J. Simon and Austin Turk c. Freda Adler and Rita J. Simon d. John Hagan and Kathleen Daly e. John Hagen and Richard Quinney 39) ________ criminology believes that in order to reduce crime, crime-control agencies and citizens must work together to alleviate social problems. a. Peacemaking b. Feminist c. Realist d. Marxist e. Radical 40) Some authors credit ________ with popularizing left realist notions in North America and England. a. Harold E. Pepinski and Richard Quinney b. John Hagan and Kathleen Daly c. Jock Young and Freda Adler d. Walter DeKeseredy and Jock Young e. Austin Turk and Ezzat Fattah