11) Celine is in a very downcast mood. She has a poor appetite, has lost weight, and feels constantly fatigued. She has lost interest in most of her regular activities because they seem like “too much effort” and they no longer give her any pleasure. She seems indifferent to her family and friends and has recurrent thoughts of suicide. She is best described as suffering from ________. A) dysthymic disorder B) cyclothymic disorder C) major depressive disorder D) bipolar disorder 12) Of the following, the most prominent feature of depression is ________. A) suicidal ideation B) apathy C) depressed mood D) faulty perception of reality 13) In a major depressive episode, the person experiences either a depressed mood or loss of interest or pleasure in all or virtually all activities for a period of at least ________. A) 1 week B) 2 weeks C) 3 weeks D) 4 weeks 14) Marina is physically agitated and cannot concentrate. She is irritable and loses her temper. These symptoms may indicate a diagnosis of __________ disorder. A) major depressive B) hypomania C) bipolar D) cyclothymia 15) ________ has been referred to as the “common cold” of mental health. A) Depression B) Anxiety C) Dysthymic disorder D) Bipolar disorder 16) The most common type of diagnosable mood disorder is ________. A) major depression B) dysthymic disorder C) bipolar disorder D) cyclothymic disorder 17) Major depressive disorder affects about __________ % of Canadians at some point in their lives. A) 1 B) 5 C) 12 D) 21 18) About 1 person in ________ can be diagnosed with major depression at any given time. A) 5 B) 20 C) 40 D) 100 19) Abraham has been so “down” lately that he has begun to have faulty perceptions of reality. He has delusions of unworthiness, feels guilt for supposed horrible wrongdoings, and at times feels that his body is rotting away because of physical illness. He has even hallucinated that Satan has told him he is being punished for his sins. He is best described as suffering from ________. A) dysthymic disorder B) cyclothymic disorder C) major depressive disorder D) bipolar disorder 20) Naomi has been very depressed since the death of her mother 10 days ago. She doesn’t eat, has lost interest in her usual activities, and takes no pleasure in anything she does. All she can do right now is think about the past and wish she could be with her mother again. She is best described as suffering from ________. A) dysthymic disorder B) cyclothymic disorder C) major depressive disorder D) bereavement


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