MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS 1. It can be said that employment tests: A. make objective assessment of an applicant’s potential B. are versatile C. can assess applicant’s hidden values D. A and B E. all of the above 2. A personality test such as Myers-Briggs Type Indicator is best suited for: A. preliminary screening of applicants B. selection of final candidates from the pool of screened recruits C. developing existing staff D. A and B E. A, B, and C 3. When an employment test continuously rejects people of a particular race or religion, it is referred to as: A. preferential treatment B. adverse treatment C. adverse effect D. suppressor effect E. bona fide job discrimination effect 4. Purdue Peg Board Test is best thought of as a: A. knowledge test B. ability test C. vocational interest test D. personality test E. honesty test 5. Which of the following is/are vocational interest tests? A. Wonderlic personnel test B. Sixteen personality factor questionnaire C. Strong interest inventory D. Reid report E. C and D 6. Which of the following is/are true about “practical intelligence”? A. It is akin to “organizational smarts.” B. It is a good predictor of job success, especially for technical jobs. C. It has been well-defined operationally. D. A and B above are true. E. A, B, and C are true. 7. The relationship between general mental ability and job performance has been found to be the highest for jobs that require: A. manual skills (e.g., construction worker) B. interpersonal interaction (e.g., customer service representative) C. technical skills (e.g., software programmer) D. reasoning skills (e.g., manager) E. artistic skills (e.g., painter) 8. A life insurance company that uses a computer-based test that presents fact-based scenarios to job applicants can test the applicants’: A. comprehension B. ability to code or decode C. accuracy D. A and C E. all of the above 9. Physical abilities tests can validly measure individuals’: A. movement quality B. cardiovascular endurance C. figural classification D. A and B E. A, B, and C 10. Which of the following is not a competency associated with the construct “emotional intelligence”? A. Interpersonal sensitivity B. Creativity C. Decisiveness D. Self-awareness E. All of the above are associated with the construct


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