11. Which strategy of human resource management relies on highly skilled contract labour to supply the needed specialized skills? Commitment Compliance Paternalistic Collaborative Contingent 12. Focus on employee training and development is likely to be minimal in a firm that employs which strategy of human resource management? Commitment Compliance Paternalistic Collaborative A and D 13. Organizations such as Scotia Bank, Dofasco, 3M, and Walt Disney, known for their strong cultures, primarily use which practices to foster these cultures? Reward Strategic planning Environmental scanning Socialization Quality assessment 14. Which of the following is/are not key steps in staffing? Human resource planning Performance management Selection Deployment A and D 15. Quantity of production and low absenteeism are best thought of as: predictors criteria job quality indices ISO quality measures none of the above 16. Orientation to familiarize the employee to an organization and its culture is best thought of as part of which of the following? A. Human resource planning B. Recruitment C. Deployment D. Job preview E. Outplacement 17. Benefit(s) of an effective staffing system at the individual employee level is/are: clearer performance standards focused career development reduced need for training A and B B and C 18. Which of the following are considered key competencies for employment managers? Business mastery Statistical proficiency Personal credibility A and C All of the above 19. When the employment manager in Canada Engineering Contractors is given the power to hire people from minority communities to meet an organization’s employment equity objectives, this reflects the manager’s:             Staff authority Line authority Hiring authority Functional authority Delegated authority 20. The ethical philosophy that embraces the position “what is good or bad depends essentially on the culture of the surrounding society” is best termed as which approach? Universalist Culturalist Exceptionist Situational


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