91) Cecilia feigns an illness of her son in order to receive medical attention. This practice is referred to as __________. A) Münchausen by proxy syndrome B) factitious disorder C) Münchausen syndrome D) factitious by proxy syndrome 92) A major change or loss of physical functioning that is not faked, even though there are no medical findings to support the physical symptoms or deficits, is called ________. A) hypochondriasis B) conversion disorder C) somatization disorder D) Münchausen syndrome 93) Which of the following statements is NOT true of conversion disorder? A) The symptoms are not intentionally produced. B) The person is not malingering. C) The physical symptoms appear gradually. D) The physical symptoms appear in the context of stressful situations. 94) Conversion disorder was formerly called ________. A) manic depression B) hebephrenic disorder C) hysterical neurosis D) cataplexy 95) Conversion disorders seem to have been ________ in Freud’s day. They are ________ today. A) uncommon; uncommon B) uncommon; common C) common; uncommon D) common; common 96) Most classic conversion symptoms mimic ________ disorders. A) neurological B) adjustment C) anxiety D) genetic 97) Each of the following is a classic symptom of conversion disorder EXCEPT ________. A) blindness B) paranoia C) epilepsy D) paralysis 98) Epilepsy, blindness, paralysis, problems in coordination, and loss of the sense of hearing or smell are all “classic” symptoms of ________. A) hypochondriasis B) malingering C) somatization disorder D) conversion disorder 99) Each of the following is a diagnostic feature of conversion disorder EXCEPT ________. A) the symptoms are restricted to complaints of pain or problems in sexual functioning B) the bodily symptoms do not match the medical conditions they suggest C) the loss of physical functioning suggests the presence of a physical disorder D) psychological factors are judged to be associated with the disorder 100) La belle indifferénce is a characteristic symptom of ________. A) somatization disorder B) conversion disorder C) hypochondriasis D) Münchausen syndrome


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