91) Narcolepsy occurs when a. REM sleep intrudes into wakefulness. b. NREM sleep intrudes into wakefulness. c. inadequate sleep occurs over a period of weeks. d. inadequate levels of stage 4 sleep cause neurological damage. 92) Which of the following conditions would you least like the pilot flying your airplane to have? a. Enuresis b. Narcolepsy c. Sleep terror d. Daytime insomnia 93) Which of the following is a suggested treatment for insomnia? a. Try to sleep only when tired. b. Use an alarm clock to wake up in the morning. c. Consume caffeine if planning to stay up late. d. Remain in bed until you are able to fall asleep no matter how long it takes. 94) Ed often experiences an intense urge to sleep and has often fallen asleep for a few minutes while in business meetings, while driving, and talking on the phone. He is most likely to diagnosed as suffering from a. sleeptalking and sleepwalking. b. narcolepsy. c. sleep apnea. d. REM behaviour disorder. 95) Mr. Colbert is meeting with his doctor to discuss treatments for his recently diagnosed narcolepsy. Which of the following is likely to be a part of his treatment regimen? a. Sleeping pills to promote deeper sleep b. Taking medications to promote wakefulness c. Exercise to promote weight loss d. Maintaining a consistent sleep schedule 96) Which hormone plays a role in triggering sudden attacks of sleepiness? a. Oxytocin b. Orexin c. Melatonin d. Estrogen 97) Janice has had difficulty sleeping in the past and has been taking sleeping pills for several months. She does not want to take these any longer, but finds that she is having a lot of trouble falling and staying asleep when she doesn’t take the pills. Janice is experiencing a. rebound insomnia. b. REM behaviour disorder. c. sleep paralysis. d. sleep apnea. 98) Sudden loss of muscle tone associated with narcolepsy is called a. restless legs syndrome. b. sleep paralysis. c. cataplexy. d. hypnic myoclonia. 99) Cassie walks into her house on her birthday and a bunch of guests jump out and yell “Surprise!” She gasps, mumbles “I see the elephant!”, and then drops to the floor and appears to be sleeping. Cassie suffers from what sleep disorder? a. REM behaviour disorder b. Sleepwalking c. Lucid dreaming d. Narcolepsy 100) Which of the following statements is correct? a. Sleepwalking has never been used successfully as a murder defence. b. There have been cases in which sleepwalking was a successful murder defence. c. Sleepwalking in prisons is a common occurrence. d. A famous lawyer reported that he tried a murder case while he was sleepwalking.


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