81. Driver training approaches have a. reduced the frequency of older drivers turning into the wrong lane. b. reduced improper signaling. c. increased speed of processing visual information. d. done all of these. 82. “Smarter†cars in the future a. may improve visibility at night. b. keep cars at a safer distance from one another. c. warn drivers about possible collisions and intersections. d. may do all of these. 83. Safer roads and signage would include a. special lanes for left turns. b. larger fonts on traffic signs. c. longer periods at intersections when lights in all directions are red. d. all of these. 84. When older drivers lose their ability to drive, they usually a. get anger with their politicians. b. feel relief. c. become depressed. d. drive illegally without a license. 85. A person who has lived for 100 years or more is called a(n) a. adventist. b. gerontologist c. centenarian. d. geriatric. 86. Which of the following is/are TRUE regarding centenarians in the New England Centenarian Study? a. One-quarter to one-third of the individuals studied did not show signs of Alzheimer’s disease. b. Ninety percent had been mostly independent until the average age of 92. c. Most did not experience a lengthy disability, but had a period of decline limited to the last few years of their lives. d. All of these statements are true. 87. Which of the following is/are TRUE regarding centenarians in the New England Centenarian Study? a. One-quarter to one-third of the individuals studied did not show signs of Alzheimer’s disease. b. Only five percent had been independent when they were age 90. c. Most experienced a lengthy disability from 10 to 15 years before they died. d. All of these statements are true. 88. The oldest old tend a. to have a genetic advantage. b. to have extroverted personalities. c. not to have ever smoked. d. show all of these characteristics. 89. Concerning the characteristics of the oldest old, it was found that they were LESS likely to a. have smoked. b. be obese. c. have genetic profiles associated with Alzheimer’s disease. d. show any of these characteristics. 90. The oldest old tend to show all of the following EXCEPT for a. having a high sense of self-efficacy. b. having an introverted personality. c. being female. d. having family members who reached a very old age.