51) SCENARIO 10-4 Your supervisor has to restructure the jobs within your division, and some of your colleagues are not pleased. One colleague, Don, is concerned that he will not be able to perform the new tasks. Since he is paid by the amount he produces, his pay may be reduced. Doug just dislikes any uncertainty and has developed a negative attitude about work and the proposed changes. Another colleague, Tony, is afraid that his job may be in jeopardy and that he may be laid off. Referring to SCENARIO 10-4, the source of Don’s resistance isa. cynicism. b. self-interest. c. low tolerance for change. d. fear of the unknown. e. misunderstanding. 52) SCENARIO 10-4 Your supervisor has to restructure the jobs within your division and some of your colleagues are not pleased. One colleague, Don, is concerned that he will not be able to perform the new tasks. Since he is paid by the amount he produces, his pay may be reduced. Doug just dislikes any uncertainty and has developed a negative attitude about work and the proposed changes. Another colleague, Tony, is afraid that his job may be in jeopardy and that he may be laid off. Referring to SCENARIO 10-4, the source of Tony’s resistance isa. self-interest. b. misunderstanding. c. low tolerance for change. d. fear of the unknown. e. cynicism. 53) SCENARIO 10-4 Your supervisor has to restructure the jobs within your division and some of your colleagues are not pleased. One colleague, Don, is concerned that he will not be able to perform the new tasks. Since he is paid by the amount he produces, his pay may be reduced. Doug just dislikes any uncertainty and has developed a negative attitude about work and the proposed changes. Another colleague, Tony, is afraid that his job may be in jeopardy and that he may be laid off. Referring to SCENARIO 10-4, the source of Doug’s resistance isa. low tolerance for change. b. self-interest. c. misunderstanding. d. fear of the unknown. e. lack of trust. 54) Research shows that cynicism during the change process often results in a. more positive critical analysis of the situation by employees. b. increased attention by all employees. c. lower commitment on the part of employees. d. increased job satisfaction because it forces the status quo. e. greater motivation and hard work by all employees in order to keep the status quo. 55) The built-in mechanisms that organizations have in order to produce stability are referred to as a. structural inertia. b. economic factors. c. personal security. d. selective information processing. e. policies and procedures. 56) Shanice has noticed that, since most of her staff has been with the organization for a long time, although they seem to want to change their behaviour to adapt to changes in the organization, their strong group norms seem to be holding them back. This is an example of a. self-interest. b. selective information processing. c. economic factors. d. group inertia. e. need for security. 57) A major element contributing to cynicism about change is a. confusion in the workplace. b. having new work processes. c. working with new colleagues. d. fear of the future. e. lack of opportunity for participation. 58) When change agents do not have all the information they need, and there may be considerable resistance to change, a common and useful strategy that can help successfully implement the change is a. co-optation. b. support. c. education. d. participation. e. coercion. 59) When an organization is faced with a true crisis, members of the organization will likely be ________ efforts to change the culture. a. responsive and accepting of b. resistant to c. blind to d. willing to negotiate e. involved in 60) Tim is aware that Shawna, one of his most talented employees, is trying to maintain the status quo in his department despite the fact that radical changes are needed. Those staff members who look up to Shawna are following her lead and being resistant as well. Tim decides to address this by promoting Shawna to be his “right hand.” This approach to overcoming resistance is known as a. coercion. b. manipulation. c. negotiation. d. co-optation. e. participation. 61) SCENARIO 10-5 Johnson Farm Products is expanding its traditional business with farmers to now include home gardeners. You are one of the regional sales managers for the company. This change has not been met with enthusiasm by the company’s salespeople, who have had good long-term relationships with the farmers in the area. You know that the change will be difficult if you cannot get cooperation from the salespeople and enthusiasm from the farmers. Referring to SCENARIO 10-5, you have decided to ask the salespeople to submit suggestions for the proposed changes. This method for overcoming resistance is referred to asa. education and communication. b. participation and involvement. c. negotiation and education. d. manipulation and co-optation. e. facilitation and support. 62) SCENARIO 10-5 Johnson Farm Products is expanding its traditional business with farmers to now include home gardeners. You are one of the regional sales managers for the company. This change has not been met with enthusiasm by the company’s salespeople, who have had good long-term relationships with the farmers in the area. You know that the change will be difficult if you cannot get cooperation from the salespeople and enthusiasm from the farmers. Referring to SCENARIO 10-5, you have brought in a demographer to explain the changing nature of the area to the salespeople. You are attempting to overcome resistance to change through the use ofa. education and communication. b. participation and involvement. c. negotiation and support. d. manipulation and negotiation. e. co-optation and commitment. 63) SCENARIO 10-5 Johnson Farm Products is expanding its traditional business with farmers to now include home gardeners. You are one of the regional sales managers for the company. This change has not been met with enthusiasm by the company’s salespeople, who have had good long-term relationships with the farmers in the area. You know that the change will be difficult if you cannot get cooperation from the salespeople and enthusiasm from the farmers. Referring to SCENARIO 10-5, you have stated to your staff, “It’s my way or the highway!” You are attempting to overcome resistance to change through the use ofa. education and communication. b. participation and involvement. c. negotiation and communication. d. manipulation and co-optation. e. facilitation and support. 64) Selection and promotion policies are particularly important strategies for preserving the status quo. Employees are hired because they fit with the organization’s culture. This practice a. is a form of facilitation and support. b. is a form of co-optation. c. brings progressive change to an organization’s culture because new employees like their new workplace and exhibit job satisfaction. d. works against cultural change. e. is a form of group inertia. 65) ________ is a resistance strategy that is meant to have key executives and employees buy into the change by giving them a key role in the change decision. a. Co-optation b. Manipulation c. Coersion d. Facilitation e. Education


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