81) One of the greatest pluses of online panels is the high response rate, which ensures that the final sample closely represents the population targeted by the researcher. A) True B) False 82) A graph of the relationship between accuracy and size of the sample shows that accuracy decreases as sample size increases. A) True B) False 83) Sample error may only be determined after data have been collected. Even if we know the level of confidence, an estimate of variability and the sample size, we cannot compute the amount of sample error we can expect to experience. A) True B) False 84) Variability is defined as the amount of dissimilarity or similarity in respondents’ answers to a particular question. A) True B) False 85) The statement “You can take any finding in the survey, replicate the survey with the same probability sample size, and you will be very likely to find the same finding within the + percent range of the original finding.” is based on the idea of the confidence interval. A) True B) False 86) Sample size calculations will need to be adjusted due to incidence rate, nonresponse, and even cost constraints. A) True B) False 87) Using the confidence interval formula for calculating sample size, the amount of variability believed to be in the population can be estimated. A) True B) False 88) Using the confidence interval formula for calculating sample size, the percentage level of confidence desired to the estimate of the population values must be determined and is used in the formula in the form of the z-value it represents. A) True B) False 89) The desired accuracy should NOT be considered in order to calculate the proper sample size as it will bias the calculation. A) True B) False 90) It is an ethical marketing researcher’s responsibility to try to educate a client on the wastefulness of excessively large samples. A) True B) False 91) If you calculate sample size with e = 3 percent, and then you decide to change e to 5 percent, the required sample size will increase. A) True B) False 92) With the 99% level of confidence, the corresponding z value is 2.58. A) True B) False 93) Researchers should follow to the sample size formula closely when calculating sample size. Any other consideration will only bias the calculation and invalidate the results. A) True B) False 94) The probability of any one person in the population being selected into a referral sample cannot be calculated. A) True B) False 95) When using nonprobability samples instead of probability samples, different formulas must be applied to determine the appropriate sample size that precisely balances desired accuracy, variability in the population, and level of confidence. A) True


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