201) Electroconvulsive therapy is often a. used as a last resort for persons who suffer from severe depression or schizophrenia. b. used to treat people who are phobic, suffer from anxiety disorders, or experience sleep disorders. c. used to control people’s behaviour rather than serving as any form of useful treatment for psychological disorders. d. the first step in a longer biomedical treatment management of mood and schizophrenic disorders. 202) Electroconvulsive shock therapy is only recommended for individuals with serious a. depression. b. bipolar disorder. c. schizophrenia. d. All of the above 203) We must be cautious about accepting patients’ statements about the effectiveness of electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) because they may be motivated to justify their experience or because they believed the treatment would work before starting. This reminds the critical thinker of the importance of a. falsifiable research questions. b. the principle of parsimony/Occam’s razor. c. ruling out rival hypotheses. d. supporting extraordinary claims with extraordinary evidence. 204) Trephining and lobotomies are early forms of what type of psychological treatment? a. Psychosurgery b. Electroconvulsive therapy c. Vagus nerve stimulation d. Biomedical intervention 205) In order to protect patient interests, institutional review boards (IRBs) must approve each psychosurgical operation to ensure a. the patient has consented to the operation. b. the patient has received an appropriate preoperative and postoperative evaluation. c. there is a clear rationale for the operation. d. All of the above are concerns that the REB evaluates before approving psychosurgeries. 206) In modern day, psychosurgery would be performed as an absolute last resort for patients that suffer severely from which of the following disorders? a. Obsessive-compulsive disorder b. Borderline personality disorder c. Dissociative identity disorder d. Somatoform disorders 207) An important consideration before undergoing psychosurgery is that a. the costs may be greater than the actual benefits received. b. it is the least controversial of the biological forms of treatment. c. it is now illegal to perform this treatment in Canada.


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