36. According to your textbook, one way to focus your listening is to a. concentrate on what the speaker is wearing. b. try to remember every word the speaker utters. c. engage in mental arguments with the speaker. d. pay attention to feedback from other listeners. e. listen for the speaker’s main points. 37. When listening for a speaker’s evidence, you should keep an ear out for its a. sufficiency. b. accuracy. c. objectivity. d. relevance. e. all of the above. 38. Alena is listening to a speaker’s evidence during a speech on genetically modified foods. According to your textbook, Alena should be asking: a. Is the evidence from objective sources? b. Is the evidence consistent with the speaker’s delivery? c. Is the evidence relevant to the speaker’s claims? d. all of the above. e. a and c only. 39. Mark is listening to a speaker’s evidence during a persuasive speech on nuclear power. According to your textbook, Mark should be asking: a. Is the evidence sufficient to support the speaker’s claims? b. Is the evidence taken from objective sources? c. Is the evidence relevant to the speaker’s claims? d. all of the above e. a and c only 40. Your textbook recommendsas the most effective method of note taking for listening to a speech. a. writing down a speaker’s most interesting ideas b. making a full-sentence outline c. using the Harvard listening system d. trying to write down everything a speaker says e. creating a key-word outline 41. Andrew went to hear a speech by a community leader he very much admired. He took a notebook and pen and, during the speech, wrote down everything he could from the speech. When he got home later, he reviewed his notes and could barely make sense out of them. What went wrong? a. Andrew should have simply listened to the speech rather than taking notes. b. Andrew should have taken notes by making a full-sentence outline of the speech. c. Andrew should have paid more attention to the speaker’s delivery rather than focusing on the words of the speech. d. Andrew should have resisted distractions and concentrated more effectively on the speech. e. Andrew should have made a key-word outline of the speech instead of trying to write down everything. 42. Natasha is taking notes on a speech about Chinese New Year. If she were to follow the recommendation of your textbook, she would a. create a key-word outline. b. use the Harvard listening system. c. write down everything the speaker says. d. all of the above. e. a and b only.  Â


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