41) SCENARIO 7-2 There is little consensus on what empowerment means. One study of executives identified two definitions. Some executives consider empowerment to be mostly about delegating within predefined parameters. Others consider empowerment to be about giving employees the latitude to make their own decisions and providing them with the information, tools, and the authority to act. Referring to SCENARIO 7-2, before implementing your new initiative, it will be necessary to convince your superiors of the benefits of empowering your staff. Which of the following is the best reason, based on research, to proceed?a. It is consistent with democratic and legitimate power. b. It leads to happier employees. c. It will help develop your organization’s reputation. d. It will lead to greater productivity. e. It will reduce work-related stress. 42) SCENARIO 7-2 There is little consensus on what empowerment means. One study of executives identified two definitions. Some executives consider empowerment to be mostly about delegating within predefined parameters. Others consider empowerment to be about giving employees the latitude to make their own decisions and providing them with the information, tools, and the authority to act. Referring to SCENARIO 7-2, while you are making your pitch to your superiors, one of them asks, “How will you know if your employees truly feel empowered?” At this point in your presentation, you show them the characteristics that empowered people have in common, based on research. Your list will state that employees a. don’t necessarily need to have an ownership mentality. b. must have a sense of self-determination. c. must have a low sense of competence. d. don’t necessarily need to be recognized for their efforts. e. don’t necessarily need to know or understand the values of the company 43) SCENARIO 7-3 Your supervisor often makes you feel uncomfortable by offering you special perks even though you have previously told him that you do not want them. However, each time he makes such offers, your supervisor insists that you accept his generosity. You have been with the company for eight years, the longest of all the employees. Your supervisor has been with the company only seven months. The other day your supervisor told you that in exchange for your ideas and contributions in the last regional meeting, you could have an extra two days off next month. You have told him that you are reluctant to take the two days off, as all the other employees will find out about the special perk and may not want to work with you after that, which will be even more uncomfortable. As usual, your supervisor insists that you accept his offer. Referring to SCENARIO 7-3, your supervisor a. is using his expertise. b. is being an expert. c. is creating a co-operative work environment. d. is using common sense. e. is engaging in harassment. 44) SCENARIO 7-3 Your supervisor often makes you feel uncomfortable by offering you special perks even though you have previously told him that you do not want them. However, each time he makes such offers, your supervisor insists that you accept his generosity. You have been with the company for eight years, the longest of all the employees. Your supervisor has been with the company only seven months. The other day your supervisor told you that in exchange for your ideas and contributions in the last regional meeting, you could have an extra two days off next month. You have told him that you are reluctant to take the two days off, as all the other employees will find out about the special perk and may not want to work with you after that, which will be even more uncomfortable. As usual, your supervisor insists that you accept his offer. Referring to SCENARIO 7-3, studies show that this situation is probably more about ________ than about work efficiency.a. power b. coercion c. politics d. lobbying e. impressions 45) SCENARIO 7-3 Your supervisor often makes you feel uncomfortable by offering you special perks even though you have previously told him that you do not want them. However, each time he makes such offers, your supervisor insists that you accept his generosity. You have been with the company for eight years, the longest of all the employees. Your supervisor has been with the company only seven months. The other day your supervisor told you that in exchange for your ideas and contributions in the last regional meeting, you could have an extra two days off next month. You have told him that you are reluctant to take the two days off, as all the other employees will find out about the special perk and may not want to work with you after that, which will be even more uncomfortable. As usual, your supervisor insists that you accept his offer. Referring to SCENARIO 7-3, a basic problem in this situation is thata. you are probably too assertive. b. there is an unequal power relationship between your supervisor and you. c. your perception is probably very different from your supervisor’s. d. the special perk is cost-free to the supervisor. e. other employees will probably start to be assertive in meetings. 46) SCENARIO 7-3 Your supervisor often makes you feel uncomfortable by offering you special perks even though you have previously told him that you do not want them. However, each time he makes such offers, your supervisor insists that you accept his generosity. You have been with the company for eight years, the longest of all the employees. Your supervisor has been with the company only seven months. The other day your supervisor told you that in exchange for your ideas and contributions in the last regional meeting, you could have an extra two days off next month. You have told him that you are reluctant to take the two days off, as all the other employees will find out about the special perk and may not want to work with you after that, which will be even more uncomfortable. As usual, your supervisor insists that you accept his offer. Referring to SCENARIO 7-3, the supervisor has also told you that you will be expected to return the favour in the future. The supervisor isa. using information. b. creating obligations. c. building a coalition. d. involved in strategic planning activities. e. power brokering activities. 47) Workplace bullying and sexual harassment are a. the advantages of power. b. coalition strategies of power. c. political examples. d. effective strategies to implement legitimate power. e. abuses of power. 48) Stephanie is a stern boss who gets the most out of her employees by trying to intimidate them. She regularly makes them work overtime for no additional compensation by threatening them. This is an example of a. postulating. b. workplace bullying. c. influence. d. power. e. dependency. 49) Most studies confirm that understanding the concept of ________ is central to addressing the injustices associated with sexual harassment. a. power b. politicking c. politics d. ingratiation e. dependency 50) Political behaviour is a. outside one’s specified job requirements. b. part of each job requirement. c. seen only in large organizations. d. counterproductive to individual goals. e. seen as accepted business behaviour.


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