solved. Question
Asked by jackughjgjhvnnnnnnnnnnnnnbv
1. The significance of category theory for philosophy
2. Is “Quantization of Time” theory possible ? Can we quantize illusions?
3. What is the deep philosophy behind Uncertainty Principle?
4. Is there a historical map, trend, typology or meta-analysis of academic disciplines and their changes? does science studies something to say?
5. Should all people who engage in gaming be concerned about developing gaming disorder?
6. What issues related to ageing are WHO working on?
7. What roles do older people take on in society?
8. Which of the following does not pertain to intellectual development aim of education?
(a) Cultivation of intelligence
(b) Spiritual development
c) Development of cognitive powers
(d) Training and “formation” of mind.
9. Preparing the child for future life as an aim of education is preparing child for
(a) Some suitable vocation.
(b) Some particular course of study.
(c) Facing all kinds of emergencies and situations of future life.
(d) A happy married life.
10. the most effective method of character- formation is
(a) Teaching virtues through religious books.
(b) Organizing specialists’ lectures on importance of values in life.
(c) Teaching by high character teachers.
(d) Rewarding virtuous behaviours and presenting high character models in the schools.
11. Harmonious development of the child aim of education means
(a) Development of all the qualities of the mind to the maximum possible extent.
(b) Development of a sound mind in a sound body.
(c) Development of physical, mental, moral and spiritual potentialities of the child in a balanced manner.
(d) Development of the adjustment capacities of the child.
12. The social aims of education imply that
(a) The state is an idealized metaphysical entity.
(b) The state is above the individual citizen.
(c) The state is superior to the individual transcending all his desires and aspiraÂtions.
(d) The state has to give not to take anything from the individual.
13. Rigid system of state-education is justified on the basis that the state
(a) Is supreme to dictate what shall be taught and how shall be taught.
(b) Has absolute control over the lives, and destinies of its individual members.
(c) Has a right and a bounden duty to mould the citizen to a pattern which makes for its own preservation and enhancement.
(d) Has better resources to manage educaÂtion.
14. Social aims of education imply the training of
(a) The individuals for the purpose of serving the needs of the society.
(b) Individuals according to their needs.
(c) The individuals according to their capacities.
(d) The individuals according to the facilities.
15. What does the individual aim of education imply?
(a) Education must secure for everyone the conditions under which the individuality is most completely developed
(b) It must contribute to the peace and happiness of the whole society
(c) It should have more and more institutions every year
(d) It should be by and large the concern of the private sector.
16. According to which philosophy of education, childhood is something desirable for its own sake and children should be children?
(a) Idealism
(b) Pragmatism
(c) Naturalism
(d) Realism.
17. Who emphasized that education should be a social process?
(a) Vivekananda
(b) Rousseau
(c) Dewey
(d) Pestalozzi
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