21)A 2 × 2 factorial A)is essentially two designs that have been combined into a single study. B)contains four factors. C)does not have enough factors to show interactions. D)is extremely difficult to interpret if interactions are found. 22)Which of the following statements is true? A)No more than four factors can be included in a factorial design. B)Interactions with up to ten factors can be readily interpreted. C)Any number of factors can be included, but interpretation of interactions is more difficult as the number of factors increases. D)The number of factors has no bearing on the interpretation of results. 23)What information is given in the factorial design notation, 2 × 3 × 2? A)Interactions will be found. B)The design has 12 independent variables. C)The design has three independent variables. D)The design has two independent variables, three dependent variables, and two organismic variables. 24)A factorial design with a notation of 3 × 3 × 2 tells us that the design has ________ independent variables. A)2 B)6 C)3 D)18 25)The primary reason for limiting factorial designs is A)to make data entry easier. B)that complicated factorial designs are unwieldy and difficult to interpret. C)that data analysis is very expensive for complicated designs. D)to prevent participant loss due to attrition. 26)A 4 × 3 factorial design has ________ factors. A)2 B)3 C)4 D)12 27)A four-cell factorial matrix shows that the mean scores of all groups in all conditions are the same. This would indicate that there are A)no main effects or interactions. B)interactions, but no main effects. C)main effects, but no interactions. D)both main effects and interactions. 28)The impact of each independent variable in a factorial design on the dependent variable is termed the A)interactive effects. B)within-subjects effects. C)main effects. D)matrix effects. 29)In most factorial studies, the primary focus is on A)the main effects of the independent variables on the dependent variables. B)the main effects of the dependent variables on the independent variables. C)the interaction effects of the dependent variables on the independent variables. D)the interaction effects of the independent variables on the dependent variables. 30)Effects of a single factor in a factorial design are known as A)main effects. B)the interaction. C)matrix effects. D)


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