21) What are the two main properties of a mixed methods research (quantitative and qualitative)? A) Determining the research question and the priority of approaches B) Determining the priority and sequencing of approaches C) Determining the research question and the sampling techniques D) Determining the sampling techniques and the sequencing of approaches E) Determining the sequencing of approaches and the data collection 22) A central concern of ________ is the question of how texts function in particular institutional settings to produce ruling relations that shape the experiences of individuals. A) multi-method research B) mixed methods research C) institutional ethnography research D) qualitative content analysis E) quantitative content analysis Professor Bertha Bettina and Professor Ned Narrowson decided to collaborate on a research project having to do with the topic of peer group pressure among adolescent girls in three local middle schools. They decided to use closed-ended questionnaires and focus groups as their data collection method. Of the 221 students that fit their criteria for inclusion, 90 girls agreed to complete the self-administered questionnaire and of those 90 girls, 50 girls agreed to participate in the focus group sessions. During the analysis phase, descriptive statistics about the attitudes and behaviours reported by the girls were joined together with some of the major themes that came out of the focus group interviews. 23) Which one of the following types of data analysis did Bettina and Narrowson use? A) Sequential data analysis B) Monostrand data analysis C) Multi-method data analysis D) Triangulation E) Concurrent data analysis Professor Bertha Bettina and Professor Ned Narrowson decided to collaborate on a research project having to do with the topic of peer group pressure among adolescent girls in three local middle schools. They decided to use closed-ended questionnaires and focus groups as their data collection method. Of the 221 students that fit their criteria for inclusion, 90 girls agreed to complete the self-administered questionnaire and of those 90 girls, 50 girls agreed to participate in the focus group sessions. During the analysis phase, descriptive statistics about the attitudes and behaviours reported by the girls were joined together with some of the major themes that came out of the focus group interviews. 24) Which one of the following types of sampling designs did Bettina and Narrowson use? A) Simple random sampling B) Nonprobability purposive sampling C) Cluster sampling D) Simple random sampling and cluster sampling E) Multi-method sampling 25) What two methodological approaches were used in Kidd’s (2004, 2006) sequential study of suicide among street youth in Canada? A) Qualitative interviews and survey research B) Focus groups and survey research C) Content analysis and field research D) Historical comparative research and survey research E) Survey research and field research 26) Professor Klaus von Stoppen obtained conflicting results in the qualitative and quantitative parts of his mixed methods study on illicit drug use among high school students in Saskatoon. What approach should he take to resolve this contradiction? A) He should get another researcher to re-do the study. B) He should re-do the study. C) He does not need to resolve the contradiction. D) He should make the decision to prioritize one approach over the other. E) He should re-analyze the data to examine the reasons behind the contradictions. 27) Which of the following is considered a strength of mixed methods research? A) Generalizability of findings may increase. B) Conflicting results from quantitative and qualitative components can easily be resolved by resorting to epistemic prioritization. C) It often takes less time to do mixed methods research than other kinds of social research. D) It allows for very narrow research questions to be answered. E) From a philosophical perspective, both qualitative and quantitative approaches are easily combined. 28) Despite a general agreement among social scientists that mixed methods research is an ideal way to approach research questions, very few researchers engage in this type of research. How come? A) It is very time consuming and labour intensive. B) It is logically impossible to combine the philosophies associated with each of quantitative and qualitative research approaches. C) The results of the research are often difficult to publish due to the increased likelihood of obtaining contradictory findings. D) A and B E) A and C 29) concurrent data collection 30) concurrent data analysis