11.The main advantage of a test like the SAT is that a)it makes it easier to compare people from different schools or backgrounds b)it is the only basis for making valid decisions about academic admissions c)combining SAT scores with high school transcript information doubles the validity of admissions decisions d)all of the above 12.A useful and popular alternative to the Scholastic Assessment Tests is the a)Graduate Record Examination b)College Admission Test c)American College Testing Program d)Wechsler Scale for College Admissions 13.The General Test and Subject Tests are parts of the a)Scholastic Assessment Tests b)American College Testing Program c)Graduate Testing Service d)Graduate Record Examination 14.The Scholastic Assessment Tests and the Graduate Record Examination are a)accurate predictors of academic success b)highly reliable c)extensively researched d)all of the above 15.Attempting to measure several distinct abilities, rather than a more general ability, is a              feature of the a)SAT II subject tests b)Graduate Record Examination subject test c)Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery d)American College Testing Program 16.Evaluations of the adequacy of the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery as a              measure of multiple abilities have been a)highly favorable b)generally positive c)not very favorable d)inadequately done 17.The General Aptitude Test Battery (GATB) a)includes both verbal and performance tasks b)is somewhat laborious and complex to administer c)is not valid for many jobs in which it is used d)both a and b 18.The use of alternatives to multiple-choice questions on achievement tests will most likely a)contribute to the expense and difficulty of testing b)lead to decreased levels of reliability c)lead to increased levels of reliability d)both a and b 19.The “cognitive revolution” in psychology has impacted ability testing by a)increasing the focus of test content to cover the three components of “mental              ability” b)developing tests to measure multiple types of intelligence c)increasing use of ability tests to identify individuals most likely to quickly acquire              knowledge and understanding of the task d) none of the above