solved. Question
Answered step-by-step
Asked by leutenant01
1 Containers X and Y each hold one litre of air. X also contains 0.4g of a gas and Y containsÂ
0.6 g of the same gas. The two containers are connected together as shown in the diagram.Â
  (a) Which way will the gas diffuse?Â
  (b) After a long period of time, what will be the concentration of the gas (in grams per litre)Â
    in each container?Â
2 The diagram represents (not to scale) molecules of a salt dissolved in the
 bottom layer of water in a beaker. Make two similar diagrams to show the
 distribution of salt molecules (a) after a few minutes, (b) after several hours.Â
3 When a cell is respiring aerobically, which two gases are likely to beÂ
diffusing in and out of the cell, and in which direction will they be diffusing?Â
4 The graph shows the concentration of aÂ
substance inside and outside a cell.Â
  (a) If the substance is free to move byÂ
    diffusion, which way will it moveÂ
   (i) inside the cellÂ
   (ii) between the cell and the mediumÂ
      outside the cell?Â
  (b) If, after some hours, the concentration
     has not changed, what assumptionÂ
     would you make about the movementÂ
     of the substance across the cell membrane?Â
5 (a) Which one of the following is the best definition of osmosis?Â
   (i) The movement of water from a concentrated solution to a dilute solution across aÂ
     partially permeable membrane. .Â
   (ii) The movement of a dissolved substance from a concentrated solution to a diluteÂ
      solution across a partially permeable membrane.Â
  (iii) The movement of water from a dilute solution to a concentrated solution across a partially  Â
      permeable membrane.Â
   (iv) The uptake of water by a living cell.Â
  (b) Which of the statements is an acceptable description of diffusion?
6 The diagram shows a vessel which containsÂ
a concentrated and a dilute solution separated
by a partially permeable membrane. Draw a
similar diagram to show the liquid levels after
 an hour or two.Â
7 Which statement is correct?Â
  (a) A concentrated solution has a highÂ
    osmotic potential (water potential).Â
  (b) A concentrated solution has a lowÂ
    osmotic potential (water potential).Â
8 The drawing shows the outline of a human cell.Â
Copy the drawing and make two further drawings to show
how the cell would appear if it were to be immersed for aÂ
few minutes in a solution withÂ
  (a) a lower osmotic potential (water potential) than its
    own cytoplasmÂ
  (b) a higher osmotic potential (water potential) than itsÂ
     own cytoplasm.Â
9 Why is it important that a cell membrane does not allow all dissolved substances to diffuse freely through it?Â
10 The concentration of the tissue fluid, which bathes all cells in the body, is kept more or lessÂ
constant. Why is this important?Â
11 When meat is salted, bacteria cannot grow on it. Suggest a reason for this.Â