31.The Spearman-Brown formula is used to: a.correct a split-half reliability coefficient. b.estimate construct reliability. c.perform a curvilinear transformation of the scores. d.perform a linear transformation of the scores. 32.As reliability increases, confidence intervals: a.decrease. b.do not change. c.increase. 33._________ is a result of transient events in the test taker (fatigue, illness, etc.) and the testing environment (temperature, noise level, etc.). a.Administration error b.Content sampling error c.Temporal instability d.Systematic measurement error 34.The reliability of difference scores is typically _______ the reliability of the individual scores. a.equal to b.higher than c.lower than 35.The reliability index reflects the correlation between: a.true scores and observed scores. b.true scores and measurement error. c.observed scores and measurement error. d.true scores and true scores. 36.If the reliability coefficient equals .81, the reliability index equals: a..19. b..81. c..90. d.1.0. 37.What happens to the size of confidence intervals as reliability coefficients increase? a.They decrease. b.They increase. c.They remain the same. d.It is indeterminate – it depends on the construct being measured. 38.The ____________ is an index of the amount of measurement error in test scores and is used in calculating confidence intervals. a.Standard Error of Estimate b.Standard Error of Measurement c.Spearman-Brown Coefficient d.Skew Coefficient 39.______________________ is a useful index when comparing the reliability of the scores produced by different tests, but when the focus is on interpreting the test scores of individuals, the ________________________ is more practical. a.Reliability Coefficient; Standard Error of Measurement b.Standard Error of Measurement;  Reliability Coefficient c.Standard Error of Estimate; Coefficient Alpha d.Standard Error of Estimate; Reliability Coefficient 40.In Item Response Theory, information on the reliability of test scores is typically reported as a: a.Test Information Function b.Standard Error of Estimate c.Skew Coefficient d.Coefficient of Determination e.Coefficient of Non-determination