1. What is the function of cerumen? A. Traps dust and foreign particles that enter the external auditory meatus B. Helps collect sound waves and funnel them into the ear C. Secretes a material that helps kill bacteria D. Conducts vibrations to the hammer, anvil, and stirrup bones 2. What are the names of the auditory ossicles that transmit sound from the middle to the inner ear? A. Tympanic membrane, cochlea, and oval window B. Mastoid, pinna, and conchae C. Hyoid, hamate, and folliculorum D. Malleus, incus, and stapes 3. What tube connects the throat and middle ear? A. Fallopian B. Eustachian C. Nuck D. Haversian 4. Which of the following structures is located closest to the epiglottis? A. Nasopharynx B. Oropharynx C. Hypopharynx D. Tracheopharynx 5. Which of these is a unit of measure for the loudness of sound? A. Apgar B. Hertz C. Decibel D. Somogyi 6. A word that can be used to describe both a stubborn child and a stubborn disease is: A. stenotic. B. recalcitrant. C. purulent. D. Battle’s sign. 7. A child who has suffered from chronic serous otitis media may develop an atrophic, retracted, adherent tympanic membrane and conductive hearing loss called: A. cholesteatoma. B. bilirubinemia. C. ceruloplasmin. D. tympanic membrane atelectasis. 8. Why is it important for a physician to obtain a clear and detailed history of headache during the review of systems? A. Headache can be a symptom of a disease that could be life-threatening. B. Migraine headaches can be caused by menstrual periods. C. Common types of headaches are often diagnosed on the basis of history alone. D. Both A and C. 9. Which is NOT a reason that family physicians should obtain clear historical information about any eye problems? A. Eye symptoms can be related to local issues. B. Ocular symptomatology can be an early sign of a neurologic problem like a brain tumor. C. Blurring of vision can indicate a need for a new glasses prescription. D. Systemic problems like retinopathy may be the first sign of diabetes. 10. Which of the following words refers to difficulty in maintaining balance when standing or walking? A. Vertigo B. Dysequilibrium C. Lightheadedness D. Dizziness


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