11. Which wording would be correct in the context of this sentence? The __________ of the greater trochanter was visualized, and the fracture was identified. A. eminence B. imminence C. emanance D. evidence 12. Which sentence contains an error? A. She said she was willing to accept the risks and proceed with surgery. B. The fascia was not breeched by the surgeon’s needle. C. She stated she was surprised to discover at age 25 that she was adopted, but she was eventually able to adapt to this fact. D. I advised the patient to continue with conservative treatment. 13. Which of the following sentences contains an error? A. We told the patient and his family that we hope that their compliance will continue to improve. B. It was a difficult dissection to perform, but once there, the aorta was exposed. C. The circumference of the left leg was greater then the right. D. The patient agreed that since the surgery, he has been feeling better. 14. Which of the following items includes an error in number usage? A. Provera 0.6 mL was administered IM. B. The patient weighed 154-1/2 pounds. C. Her height was recorded as five feet, five inches. D. She is a 42-year-old white female who is in no acute distress. 15. Which of the following items includes an error in number usage? A. He stated that he had a tonsillectomy when he was 10 years old. B. The patient stated that Levemir 10 units was administered at 2 p.m. C. The scar was 0.25 cm in length. D. Please order 6 20-gauge catheters. 16. Which of the following items includes an error in number usage? A. The patient states she has been admitted to this hospital three times previously. B. The wound was closed with interrupted #0 Vicryl sutures. C. The abrasion was noted to cover several square centimeters. D. She stated she used 1/2 inch of nitroglycerin ointment this morning. 17. Which of the following items includes an error in number usage? A. The patient, a 45-year-old white male, was admitted with chest pain. B. Current medications include Tenex 1mg PO BID, Lasix 20mg PO BID, and Clinoril 200mg PO BID. C. The patient states that she is very busy caring for her daughter, who is 2 years old. D. Six 2-0 chromic mattress sutures were placed to close the incision. 18. Which of the following contains an error in transcription of abbreviations, acronyms, and brief forms? A. The pacemaker was set to fire when sensing waves of 10.5 mV. B. HEENT examination revealed no abnormalities. C. The patient’s Venereal Disease Research Laboratory (VDRL) test came back negative. D. A KUB and urinalysis showed no evidence of stones. 19. Which of the following contains an error in transcription of abbreviations, acronyms, and brief forms? A. Vision uncorrected was 20/20 O.D. and 20/80 O.S. B. After she was admittedto the ICU via the ED, a CBC showed leukocytosis on the WBC. C. The ALT, AST, and PT were all unremarkable. D. She complained of severe pain in the right costovertebral angle (CVA) area. 20. Which of the following contains an error in transcription of abbreviations, acronyms, and brief forms? A. 1% Xylocaine, total of 5 cc, were injected into the wrist prior to the incision. B. The incision was shallow, just 3 mm in depth. C. She was discharged to take Tylenol p.r.n. for pain. D. BUN was 5 and creatinine was 0.6. 21. Which of the following contains an error in transcription? A. He has Alzheimer’s but is otherwise in good health. B. We will plan to see this patient in followup in 8 weeks’ time. C. CHIEF COMPLAINT: “I can’t stand this pain.†D. The patient’s mother states she was exposed to puppy’s and kitten’s at her childcare center. 22. Which of the following sentences includes an error in punctuation? A. After she was seen in the ED, the patient was admitted to the orthopedic unit. B. DIAGNOSIS: Chronic otitis media, left ear. C. She had no ankle dorsiflexion, and virtually no plantar flexion on the left. D. The wound was irrigated, inspected, and closed. 23. Which of the following sentences includes an error in punctuation? A. PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: ?Squamous cell carcinoma, left eyebrow. B. The patient is a 22-year-old Japanese American female. C. This well-developed, well-nourished child is 9-1/2 years old. D. She had a numb left leg, she was complaining of some altered sensation in her perineum. 24. Which of the following sentences contains an error? A. Lab results and chest x-ray were both within normal limits. B. She also had back pain and was unable to bear weight. On the left lower extremity. C. Both the patient and her brothers agree that she will require surgery. D. Driving and operating machinery were both contraindicated. 25. Which of the following sentences contains an error? A. HEART: Regular rate and rhythm. No murmurs, rubs, or gallops. B. The rest of the history and physical is unremarkable. C. There were approximately 200 mL of blood lost during the procedure.Â