26)When research procedures result in undesirable consequences for an individual participant, the researcher must A)persevere with the research project. B)use deception. C)give the participant the opportunity to withdraw from the study. D)force particpants to continue in order to “save” the study. 27)The most important safeguard built into the American Psychological Association’s (APA) Ethical Guidelines is that A)participation in research is decided by the participant. B)each signature must be notarized. C)each participant is guaranteed a payment for services. D)the researcher cannot be sued. 28)The risks to participants in psychological research should be A)weighed against the possible benefits. B)eliminated, even if benefits outweigh risk. C)accepted; life is risky. D)discounted; injury or psychological harm to participants is rare. 29)Once particpants have consented to participating in a study A)they must see it through until the end. B)they have 24 hours to change their mind. C)they can quit but they will be blacklisted for future studies. D)they can withdraw their participation at any time, without risk or penalty. 30)When particpants have emotional or mental disorders, the researcher A)does not need to bother with informed consent. B)cannot use them in a research study. C)must obtain informed consent from a designated person. D)does not need to worry about adhering to ethical guidelines. 31)Using participants who are unable to give informed consent because of age or mental deficit is A)strictly forbidden by the American Psychological Association. B)not allowed under current ethical guidelines. C)allowed, providing a bona-fide representative can give consent. D)illegal. 32)The use of number identification codes for participants in psychological research is primarily designed A)to facilitate data entry and analysis. B)to safeguard participants’ confidentiality. C)to prevent other researchers from stealing the data. D)as a convenience for the researcher, but have no real function. 33)Researchers commonly safeguard confidentiality by A)changing the names of participants. B)using participants that live far away from the research center. C)using numerical codes for participant identification. D)using initials only. 34)REBs evaluate the research proposals against ethical standards. REB stands for A)Real Ethics Board. B)Research Ethics Board. C)Review and Evaluation Bureau. D)Research Evaluatuion Board. 35)REBs evaluate research proposals against ethical standards. REBs consist of A)researchers, peers, and lay people. B)researchers only. C)only the top researchers at universities. D)


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