1.The literature review is conducted during which phase of test development? a.Test conceptualization b.Specification of test structure c.Planning standardization and psychometric studies d.Plan implementation 2.In which phase is it important to develop conceptual and operational definitions of the constructs you want to measure? a.Test conceptualization b.Specification of test structure c.Planning standardization and psychometric studies d.Plan implementation 3.In which phase is it important to specify item formats? a.Test conceptualization b.Specification of test structure c.Planning standardization and psychometric studies d.Plan implementation 4.The application of knowledge to problem solving describes: a.Abstract reasoning b.Crystallized intelligence c.Dynamic awareness d.Fluid intelligence 5.____________ is/are of clinical interest with adolescents and adult offender populations, and in the 1990s Reynolds and Kamphaus (1992) developed a rapid, reliable measure to assess it/them. a.Antisocial tendencies b.Attention deficit disorder c.Sensation seeking d.Sociopathic tendencies 6.What is the first task of a test developer? a.Conduct the literature review. b.Define the construct to measure. c.Describe the potential uses of the test. d.Identify a need in the field. 7.After the constructs are well defined, what is the next step in test development? a.Conduct the literature review. b.Decide how to assess the reliability of the test. c.Determine in what setting the test will be used. d.Identify a need in the field. 8.What type of test is carefully scrutinized for illegal items and emphasizes normal range variations in personality as opposed to psychopathology? a.Objective personality tests b.Post-employment tests c.Pre-employment tests d.Subjective personality tests 9.A(n) _____________ definition explains our construct at a theoretical level and may use many interpretative words. a.abstract b.conceptual c.operational d.concrete 10.____________ means presenting oneself falsely or under pretense whereas ____________ means presenting oneself falsely to achieve a personal gain. a.Dissimulation; malingering b.Ingenuousness; subterfuge c.Malingering; dissimulation d.Subterfuge; ingenuousness