Multiple Choice 1.According to Gallup polls throughout the 1930s, 70 percent of Americans a.wanted military intervention only on behalf of England. b.expressed that becoming involved in another world war would be a mistake. c.felt that Fascism did not present a serious threat to European security. d.supported economic aid and military intervention to stop Fascist aggression. 2.The earliest Fascist aggression took place when a.Hitler created death camps in eastern Europe. b.Japan launched a brutal invasion of China. c.Italy attacked and conquered Ethiopia. d.the German air force launched raids on Great Britain. 3.Which is the correct trio of Axis powers in World War II? a.Soviet Union, Germany, Italy b.Germany, Japan, Italy c.Germany, Italy, France d.Soviet Union, Japan, Germany 4.By 1939, Nazi concentration camps held people who were mostly a.Eastern Europeans. b.Allied soldiers. c.Polish Jews. d.socialists, homosexuals, and beggars. 5.Germany’s invasion of _________ on September 1, 1939 marked the start of World War II. a.Denmark b.Britain c.France d.Poland 6.By the end of 1940, Germany had conquered all of the following countries, EXCEPT a.Sweden. b.Norway. c.Yugoslavia. d.Greece. 7.Nazi aggression was finally stalled in 1940 and early 1941 when a.President Roosevelt secretly sent American pilots to Europe. b.England steadfastly resisted the Nazis in the Battle of Britain. c.a British blockade of Germany cut off Fascist supply lines. d.economic boycotts damaged the German war effort. 8.American public opinion polls in 1938–1940 showed all of the following beliefs EXCEPT a.the majority of Americans did not care if either the Allied or Axis powers prevailed. b.the American people believed the nation should fight only if directly attacked. c.more than 80 percent of Americans supported continued restrictions on immigration. d.most Americans believed that the nation had been wrong to enter World War I. 9.FDR’s “lend-lease” program allowed a.states to earn block grants from the federal government. b.the United States to sell military supplies to the Axis powers. c.Britain to borrow military equipment from the United States. d.minorities to receive equal treatment in New Deal programs. 10.Which American hero was ardently isolationist in his views regarding the war in Europe? a.Douglas MacArthur b.Theodore Roosevelt c.Charles Lindbergh d.Babe Ruth Â


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