Multiple Choice 1.Hajj is best described by which of the following statements? A. Giving a percentage of your income to help the poor B. Traveling to Mecca to participate in rituals C. Testifying of your faith in public D. Protecting the Holy Land from foreign intrusion 2.Salat is a __________. A. pilgrimage to Mecca B. leader of the Islamic community C. prayer D. scholar of Islamic law 3. The largest number of Muslims are __________. A. Shia 4.An official who calls the community to prayer is called __________. A. hajj B. muezzin C. hadith D. fatima 5.A Muslim leader and successor of Muhammad is called a(n) __________. A. muezzin B. sura C. mufti D. imam 6.Shiite Islam focuses on the __________. A. lineage of Muhammad B. teachings of the muezzin C. spontaneous nature of worship services D. Holy Spirit as a guide for daily life 7.That branch of Islam focusing on scholarly and communal decision making is __________. A. Shiite B. Sufism C. Sunni D. Fatwa 8.Sadaqa is a(n) __________. A. charity B. scholarly judgment based on Sharia C. high-ranking spiritual leader in Shiite Islam D. extremist 9.Dikhr includes which of the following? A. Recitation of the Qur’an B. Twirling C. Pilgrimage to Mecca D. Memorization of large portions of the Qur’an 10. Zakat is __________. A. the expectation that all able bodied Muslims will go to Mecca B. five daily prayers C. mandatory giving of money D. sacrifices performed while on hajj 11.That branch of Islam focusing on the mystical practices is called __________. A. Mufti B. Sufism C. Sharia D. Sunni 12. The word “jihad†literally means __________. A. war B. friendship C. struggle D. holiness 13. The death of ________ could be considered the beginning point of Shiite Islam. A. Muhammad B. Ayatollah C. Hussein D. Ali 14. Shahadah is the __________. A. first pillar of Islam B. expectation that all Muslims will go to Mecca C. oral recitation of the Qur’an D. first successor to Muhamad 15. Tawaf is the activity of __________. A. circling the Kaaba B. making sacrifices in Mecca C. twirling rapidly in place in remembrance of God D. reciting the Qur’an