101) André is blind and has mental retardation and autism. But he can play extremely complicated musical pieces on the piano after hearing them only once. Even though he has no formal musical training and cannot read sheet music, once he has heard a song he plays it as if he has been playing it his entire life. André is best described as suffering from ________. A) savant syndrome B) Wernicke’s syndrome C) idiopathic autism D) Stockholm syndrome 102) Ajesh is a human calendar. Although he has mental retardation and cannot add two numbers correctly, when asked, he can correctly calculate the day of the week for virtually any date named in the past or the future. Ajesh is best described as suffering from ________. A) savant syndrome B) Wernicke’s syndrome C) idiopathic autism D) Stockholm syndrome 103) About 1 person in ________ within the population of people with mental retardation has savant syndrome. A) 20 B) 200 C) 2000 D) 20 000 104) Most people with autism are ________. Most people with savant syndrome are ________. A) male; male B) male; female C) female; male D) female; female 105) Males with savant syndrome outnumber females with the disorder by about ________ to 1. A) 2 B) 4 C) 6 D) 8 106) Research indicates that the unusual abilities of savants are linked to ________ functioning. A) brain stem B) limbic system C) right hemisphere D) left hemisphere 107) Recent research has pointed to ________ as a possible cause of savant syndrome. A) postnatal damage to the right cerebral hemisphere B) postnatal damage to the left cerebral hemisphere C) prenatal sex-linked damage to the right cerebral hemisphere D) prenatal sex-linked damage to the left cerebral hemisphere 108) Dustin Hoffman’s character in the movie Rain Man exhibited symptoms of ________. A) mental retardation B) mental retardation and autism C) autism and savant syndrome D) savant syndrome and mental retardation 109) Behavioural approaches recommend each of the following EXCEPT ________ for teaching basic hygienic behaviours such as tooth brushing, self-dressing, and hair combing. A) verbal instruction B) physical guidance C) hypnosis D) reward 110) Children with mental retardation stand ________ chance as other children of developing other psychological disorders such as depression or anxiety disorders. A) one-quarter to one-third as much B) one-half as much C) twice as much D) three to four times as much


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